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it will ve 5 years on Jan 26 that I lost my brother


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It will be 5 years on Jan 26th that I have lost my brother.  It still feels like it was yesterday. Most days I can't get out of bed and the minute I open my eyes I start crying.  I think I'm still in the angry stage I should of been me that died. And i still believe that.  I've been suffering from major depression and severe anxiety since he passed away. I don't socialize anymore and I can't even work some days. And now the 26th of this month is coming up and I am having panic attacks thinking about that day. Life is not fair 

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I'm so sorry that you lost your brother.


Is there anyone you trust that you can talk about him with?


Is there anything that you  - either alone or with your family - have done in the past on the anniversary date that helps?


It can be hard to be patient and understanding with ourselves.



Take care.

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