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Neonatal Loss


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I had a hard pregnancy with the nausea and vomiting. My daughter (first child) seemed perfect until 5 days of life when she suddenly stopped eating. She died yesterday in the hospital after 10 days from blood clots that caused severe case of NEC. The cause of it all is suspected to be a genetic mutation. 


How do you even move on from a loss like this? How do you consider having another child with the fear of this happening again?

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I’m so sorry for your loss and can not imagine the pain you are in. I have several children and have recently lost my 19 yr old son in motorcycle accident. We have also thought we would lose our 5 yr old many times due to a seizure disorder but God has allowed him to stay with us so far. Loss of a baby/child is horrible. I know there is comfort and healing for you and your family. I’m so sorry. I know we get to see and live with our children again and that they are now perfect and whole. 

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Lydia Garcia

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I am here for you to help support you through these struggles and in fact and in a similar boat. I lost my son due to HIE when he was born, essentially boils down to negligence by the doctors to notice he was struggling while in labor. He went an unknown amount of time with an insufficient amount of oxygen. We lost him at one week old. We never got to hear him cry, we never got to see his eyes open. He was full term, we had so so many hopes and dreams for him. We are nearing the one year mark of him being born/ dying and it is getting harder with each day. We have talked about another but when the time comes around to consider trying I just fear that if we get pregnant again the same thing will happen and I know that I cannot handle that. I cannot handle losing another baby. While there are many stories or families pushing through and having healthy 2nd babies, my fear takes over and I can’t do it. 

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