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My 7 month old baby boy Lunar was just diagnosed with FIP. It just hit him overnight, the weight loss, lack of eating, the lethargy. He is my first pet that wasn't a family one. He is my ESA. I don't know what to do anymore. He was given 2-5 weeks left. My partner and I adopted him at 6 months. He will be 8 months in 2 days. He's so cuddly and friendly. On his first day with us, he cuddled me after an hour of exploring. He immediately warmed up to us. He's so affectionate and talkative, we call him a puppy in a kitty's body. He loves belly rubs. When he sleeps he faceplants, just slow nodding then bonk. I just can't believe that he's going to pass. He was so healthy then suddenly he loses everything. He's our baby. I can't sleep, I want to spend every hour he has left with him. My partner and I need an animal in the house but I don't want to replace him in any way. He is perfect for us. He met all of our wants in a kitty. I don't know what to do anymore.



These are his little siblings. Born Oct. 10th 2022. Diego (Left) and Wednesday (Right). They'll never replace him but they aren't meant to. He'd love them as much as we do, I know he would. 


Edited by Atlas
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I hardly know what to say.  He's such a beautiful boy.  My heart aches for you right now.  All you can do now is what you are doing:  Give him every minute of love and joy you can.  Be there, give him belly rubs, surround him with comfort and care.  I'm so sorry this is happening to all of you.

A little note that may or may not help.  Down the road a bit, when you feel ready to open your heart and home again, try not to think about it as replacing Lunar.  Just as with people, our animal companions are irreplaceable, unique.  Lunar will always have a piece of your heart and will live there forever.  But that doesn't mean that you'll never be able to love again, though it will take time.

Please keep coming here to read, to talk, even to "scream" if it helps.  You are not alone.

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7 hours ago, foreverhis said:

try not to think about it as replacing Lunar. 

It wouldn't be a replacement, he left a void that will not be filled, his legacy...but your heart can expand for another when you are ready, you discover new qualities they bring to the table, so to speak, even as I missed Arlie and my heart has been broken for so long for him, but Kodie created a new spot inside me, and is perfect for me...in different ways.  The attributes Arlie had are gone with him.  :(  I still miss him even after three+ years, but I can't imagine life without Kodie now.  He was conceived when Arlie died, and born on my birthday, I think Arlie's way of letting me know he is meant to be mine.  

I am so very sorry for your loss, I know the pain all too well, how quiet and vacant the house seems after they're gone.  Thinking of you and yours and saying a prayer for you...to your beloved cat, I know he's good now in heaven, happily playing and awaiting you to join him, but a moment to them, yet all too long to us.

Comfort for Grieving Animal Lovers


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4 hours ago, KayC said:

...but your heart can expand for another when you are ready, you discover new qualities they bring to the table, so to speak,

Exactly. I still miss my soul dog Charlie Bear even though it’s been nearly 20 years. When I first started having visits with my doggy friend Raleigh, I enjoyed her very much. Over these past nearly 4 years, she wormed her way into my heart, little by little, until now I can’t imagine life without those afternoons and early evenings. She zooms into the house to play, go for a walk, and snuggle close for cuddle naps. Today, my love for her lives side by side with Charlie as my heart expanded to let her in. I kiss the back of her head and say, “I love you so much.” and she returns that love in so many ways. Charlie will forever be my number one, but Miss Raleigh has her own very big piece of my heart.

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Checking in on you, wondering how he is doing.  Reminds me of losing Kitty, having to set the euthanasia day was so hard, she was 25 1/2 and had never been to the vet, she had a sixth sense, would disappear every time I made an appt.  I was worried how it would go as she hated the car, but she somehow knew I was trying to help her and it went as well as possible.  Praying yours does as well when his time comes...

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