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Lost my 7 week old kitten while I was in school. Feeling broken inside...


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So I was surprised with my kitten on a Wednesday night. I had never felt happier in my life. They told us that he was the runt of the litter. He wouldn't go anywhere near the bowl of food so when we called the vet, they told us to feed him using a syringe feeder. We did this for about 4 days. So now come Monday, I leave for school in the morning and my dad takes care of the kitten (He always did the syringe feeding anyways). When he fed Loki (his name) he said that he was fine and then he put him back in his little bed that we had for him. My dad went out for like 10 mins and when he came back Loki was just lying there in his bin.

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I just want to say how sorry I am that you lost your new love. It’s always so hard, no matter whether they’ve been with us for a short time or for many years.

Rest assured that you gave him what all our animal companions deserve: Love. Even though it was only days, he left for the Rainbow Bridge feeling cared for and comforted. I believe that matters more than anything.

KayC is right that as the runt who was not thriving, he must have had unforeseen medical conditions. I realize that knowing this in your mind does not make it easier for your heart to accept.

 We will hold both of you in our hearts now as well. Please come here to read and talk about things with people who truly understand that sometimes it takes only a moment for our furry loves to bind themselves to us.((HUGS))

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