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Neighbor's dog attacked Kodie


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Yesterday we were walking back from Kodie's play date and someone let their dog loose (Joe's dad) and he made a beeline right for Kodie!  He had menacing in his eyes and had one mission, to attack Kodie.  He swooped him up in his mouth and shook him violently, over and over and over and over again!  It felt like an eternity!  He knocked me down, injuring my arm in the process. I hit him in the nose and he lost grip a bit and I got Kodie from him and threw my body over him and yelled for HELP!  The owner came over (took his time it seemed!) and checked Kodie over, didn't think anything was broken, no blood, he cried and cried and cried!  THIS IS MY BABY!!!  He wouldn't let me touch his left side, tummy, or his back.  When my pastor mentioned I need to get him in to check for internal bleeding, I called the ER and the dog's owner for a ride (I can't drive at night) and we made the long trek in, we left at 6:15 and got home at almost 1 am!  Our usual bedtime is 8 pm.  They took x-rays and an ultrasound, he let them pick him up but he cried the last time they touched or lifted him, they figure he was more dramatic with me, his mom, and stoic with them, but they took it seriously and said to keep him on pain meds (with food) and rest for the week.  He cried and carried on all the way home, I think it was just a hard night for him.  Turns out he had to poop the whole time, he usually doesn't poop at night.  Poor baby!  

The owner is taking measures to assure it won't happen again, they trusted their dog and now realize they cannot.  They also paid for it.  Everyone on FB is clamoring to know whose dog but I didn't want to put it on there, if they weren't taking this seriously it'd be necessary to warn people but I think they've learned from this.

I'm hoping and praying this doesn't scar Kodie psychologically...second attack by their dogs on him.  I don't understand, he's just the sweetest little puppy!  This was a very traumatic event for us both.

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what .omgolly really kay .Im so so sorry what can I do.you want my number?yvonne

Im sorry there no excuss for this ,Ive had many a times dog try to attack my dogs now dog,,in the park on our walks and yes I would lift the dog up in the air bad back and all .omg mad has heck for you kay..

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Oh no, thank God he is okay, I saw the title of your post and my heart sank.

That's so crazy. My gosh people with their ferocious dogs not on a leash, it's so irresponsible. I know they didn't know but still. :( 

Poor little guy - I hope you BOTH are doing okay today and rested and took things easy. Please post an update when you can. What a terrible scare.  

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Oh no KayC, this is awful and heartbreaking. And this is the second attack by one of their dogs. I'm praying Kodie is going to be OK, what a traumatic experience for the wee soul. The only saving grace is that the owner was concerned, and paid and transported you both to the vet. Indeed, there are lessons to be learned from this and I do hope they ensure nothing like this can happen again. Did you get the x-ray and ultrasound results? That has been a long night. Thinking of you both. 

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Thank you all for your caring thoughts, going through this alone is really hard.

Actually third time, Joe bit me twice.  Kyro had never done this before but still, that's why you have to be responsible pet owners!  And his mom was a dog trainer before she had kids!  It was her husband who let him out though, but still!

The doctor talked to me three times when I was out in the car waiting, and she told me the results, I think they're forwarding a copy to our vet.

He's doing better, I was able to lift him today without him crying, he's on pain pills though.  I will never forget the horror of this, the thought of losing him sent me into a tailspin.

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What a traumatic event KayC!  I’m so glad that Kodie is getting better.    I’ll be praying for both of you.  

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I happy to hear he's a bit better, and you're able to to lift him, that's a good sign. Lessons to be learned by the owners. I hope Kodie feels OK emotionally too, it's not just the physical side. Let us know how things go. 

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I walked him across the street from them (carried a big stick and watched constantly).  Kodie didn't appear nervous, I was amazed!  Said dog didn't appear though or bark so it might be different if he had.  I let him play with Jazzy a really short time, without pain Rxs to know if he was hurting but he never once yelped.  I am more than amazed at his resilience and healing!  It's hard not to be an overprotective mom...

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Oh good news. Tailspin indeed. I would've been beside myself. 

My little cat loves to race around, runs into door and walls at high speed - one time almost knocked herself right out. They are resilient thank goodness.

Hang in there. Prayers for continued safety and healing.   

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Oh, no! That's awful. Glad you're both okay, Kay. That could've turned out a lot worse than it did. And if I were you, I believe I'd start carrying some type of spray, or stick to use on any animal wanting to attack you two, while you're out for a walk.

You two be safe out there.

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The Halt Spray I ordered from Amazon appears it will deliver today!  Kodie is doing really well.  I hope the neighbors keep their word...they'd better!

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22 minutes ago, KayC said:

The Halt Spray I ordered from Amazon appears it will deliver today!  Kodie is doing really well.  I hope the neighbors keep their word...they'd better!

Good to hear about Kodie. And good to hear you've gotten some spray to use, but hopefully you'll never have to use it.

I wish you and Kodie well.

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I hope your doing better kay  out of 122 people they picked me to have my new baby she looks like mt RIPsissie  unreal I prayed and god sent her to me we paid 500 but thats ok she a rat jack russel terrier mix omg im in heaven still cry over sissie but I do feel better  hope you and your baby are doing>huggs awesome.

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22 hours ago, yvo4848 said:

out of 122 people they picked me to have my new baby

I am so glad for you!  It will keep you busy!  How old is she?  You'll have to post a picture when you have one!  Give her a chance to make her own way into your heart and love her for who she is, she won't be like your last one, but will worm her way into your heart even as my Kodie did.

Last night I wasn't going to give Kodie pain Rxs as he seemed okay but he yelped when I picked him up for bed so I ended up giving him them after all.  Guess he's not 100% yet.

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