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Poems Loss of adult child to drugs

Cheryl Hart Dwyer

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Cheryl Hart Dwyer

We are all aching for our Children. Broken hearted and feeling alone. Their sentence is over, ours has just hit home.                   We will pull our selves together and do what we can. When evening comes, we can hush it no more. We latch on to our memories and fall to the floor. 
There's no right or wrong way to do this my friend. This nightmare will haunt you right til the end. So try to accept it. Don't live a lie. Theres life to be lived if your willing to try.            Just look to the time when your days are all done, then we will see them with God's Holy Son. 

Written by Cheryl Dwyer- Justin's Mom 

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Justinsmom........I am sorry for your loss of your dear son. I hope

you will come back to this site, where everyone knows the heartache

of losing a beloved child. Everyone understands. 

Lovely, heartfelt poem.  Thanks for posting. 



Davey&Lisasmom,   sherry


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