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I met my husband when we were 15. We dated then married in a span of 11 years. He always drank, but I'd justify it with the crowd he hung around, or stress as we got older.  The last 10 years have increasingly spiraled out of control. We were divorcing due to the lies, and drinking, attempts at him cheating on me.  He drank himself to death during our separation. I'm having a hard time with guilt.  We have two teenage children and seeing the hurt they are going through is killing me. 

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Dear Jtek,

I'm so sorry for your loss. Please know guilt is a normal reaction to grief. For myself, I found this article helpful and comforting:


None of us know what is going to happen but in the moment we do the best we can. (((hugs)))

I hope you and your children can find the support and comfort that is needed during this difficult time.

Sending my thoughts and prayers.


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