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I’m trying to reach this point I my life where I wake up and not hurt as much as yesterday a place called newbeginnings I been trying to get here for a long time so I don’t use my grief from losing my closest buddy my father having 2 miscarriages going through a abortion that I didn’t think through , losing a close friend I met on my road to recovery losing cousins and people I have to know through the years and it feels like they were all right after the other no time to actually sit down and actually grieve for the one that just happened cause your not dealing with the one that just occurred . I don’t know how to go to the places where I once been with the people I lose and not be sad or want to cry I can’t even go back into my fathers old room at times cause I can still hear his screams of pain in the middle of the night .  It hurts so bad at times 

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Dear Newbeginnings,

I'm so sorry for your loss. It is incredibly hard to deal with so much pain and sorrow. Please know you are not alone in your thoughts and feelings. I too have many triggers since losing my dad. I hope these websites can offer you additional support and comfort:

What's Your Grief

Grief in Common

Grief Healing Blog

Grief Share

Sending my thoughts and prayers


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