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Can't Cry


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Don't understand why there are no tears. It's been a week since my Dad died, and I had absolutely no tears. I'm on antidepressants and wonder if that is stopping my acceptance of his loss. What's wrong with me? He was the greatest father, and I'm not even feeling anything. 

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Dear Cat2021,

I'm sorry for your loss. Please don't be hard on yourself. Always know there is no right way or wrong way to grieve. We all deal with things in our own way and that's okay too. There is nothing wrong with you. You loved your dad and thought he was the greatest dad in the world. That already shows me how much you miss and love him. Be gentle with yourself. And if you want to maybe consider talking to a grief counsellor or joining a support group. You'll know that we all react differently and that is perfectly normal. (((hugs)))

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Thank you for your kindness. Yes, it might be time to find a therapist. 



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