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Child loss and parents loss!

Jordans mom

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My name is Cheryl and my story is this my grief started 4.5 years ago. I lost my only child to sucide. Then this past year I watched my father lose his battle with cancer my best friend my voice of reason the best daddy a daughter could ask for and just 9 short months later I would watch my momma go too. I am so lost without them and going through the holidays has been shear hell just don't know how to cope with all of this.

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Dear Cheryl,

My deepest sympathies and condolences. I am sorry for all the pain and sorrow that you are feeling. It is very hard to cope with so much loss in such a short time. I hope you will consider seeking out additional supports in the community or through church. It’s always hard to know what to do but I found these websites also gave me some additional support. 

What’s your grief

Grief in common

Grief healing blog

 Grief share 

Sending all my thoughts and prayers


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