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I lost my mom yesterday.  I am 33 and still have my father and sister.  I have never lost anyone closer to me than a grandparent so I dont know how to react to this.  I dont want to leave my father alone and at the same time I cant do what I need to do.  I want to always be at his house. I havent gone home for the night since my mom passed on.  I worry for my father I dont want him to destroy himself when no one else is around.  Should i be ok with staying here so he is not alone for a few days or is that not a good thing? 

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I am sorry for your loss. Maybe you and your sister can alternate nights with your father? If not and you want to be there, there's nothing wrong with staying, if only for a few days. Has he given any indication he is contemplating self-harm? 

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Dear CJ,

My deepest sympathies and condolences. I am so sorry for your loss. 

During this sad and difficult time it is completely normal to want to stay with your dad. I am sure he appreciate your comfort and support. It's such a terrible shock so soon after Christmas and it's not easy.  Do what feels right for you and don't worry about what other's think. If you think your dad needs additional support hopefully trusted friends and family can stop to check in. Or maybe he can join you at your place if that helps him feel less alone.

Sending my thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

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He hasnt asked me to stay. I just worry about how strong the rest of my family is. I always felt like I could overcome anything and have been worrying about a day like this for years. My dad is a heavy drinker and I feel like its going to be a crutch for him now to cope. I feel like I need to have him talk to someone but I don't want my dad to push me away so I dont say much about it to him right now. My dad is trying to take care of things and talking about what he wants to do in the future so I don't think he would intentionally hurt himself 

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It's so kind and caring and loving of you CJ to look out for your dad and your family. It's not easy with parents. We want to respect their choices but also worry for them as adult children. Never hurts to let your dad know your worried and how you want to be there for him now more than ever.  Keep taking it day by day and see how it goes.



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