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Anybody else feeling like the grinch?


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All I want for Christmas it’s you.. today that song start playing, I only could cry and be angry. I was avoiding listen Christmas music this days, and there was high and clear in the mall.. 

I loss my grandfather last year on Christmas Day, was awful.. but the natural order of the life.. nothing compare with this, November 2020 I loss the love of my life I still don’t find life sense without him.. all it’s empty and when finally I get have some “normal days”.. and with normal I mean not too many triggers.. I have a huge reverse and come hard and horrible days again.. the song it’s right, all I want for Christmas and for everyday is him.. and it’s just not possible 


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No Xmas observance here. Too painful. No decorations, no tree, no gifts. My child and grandchild (who are also grieving) volunteered to work on Xmas Eve and Xmas day to allow others to have the day off to be with their families.

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I feel like a stranger observing other people's happiness. Yes I feel like the grinch and I don't care.

I just hope our loved ones give us strength and guidance to get us all through the holidays.

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No celebration here either. No lights, no tree, etc. Just gifts for the 3 grandchildren who are all under 5. They don't realize exactly what happened. The 5 year old knows that Nonna is in heaven, but I don't think she grasps the severity of her grandmother's absence. It's been building up to this now and I don't know how I will handle Christmas Day knowing my wife won't be together with us.

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Not celebrating any holidays here either. I want To be left alone to feel the way I need to. I need space and my own timeline. I feel like  I need to go through my head in my time, on my terms.

Each one of has our own way we need to grieve, I wish people would understand that. 

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Yes, I am feeling a little like the Grinch this year.  I have decorated and bought a few gifts, but my heart is not in the season.  

My sister has invited me over for Christmas Day breakfast. I decided to go because I know she is trying very hard to bring me some degree of comfort and joy.  I do not want to spoil it for her.  Or, to make her think her effort is un-appreciated.  

After breakfast I can go home and cry in my pillow if I feel the need.  Although it sounds like the Grinch, Christmas this year is a total bust

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I put up a few select Christmas decorations that remind me of my husband in a good way. But this will be my first Christmas without him, and I feel devastated. Tonight will be my first time being completely alone on Christmas Eve, which was a special time for us.

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I don't know what it is, it's been 15 1/2 years, you wouldn't think I'd be feeling like I am, maybe it's COVID, how everything has changed, being so alone, but I'm not in it this year either.  I am picking up my daughter to go to my son's, I'm doing this for them, my heart feels like staying home.  No presents under the tree, no Christmas music or Hallmark movies this year.  I have the tree & stockings up because I know George would want  them.  I hope he can see them.


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