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Why haven't I cried?


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I lost my dad on November 30th and although I shed a few tears as we watched him take his last few breaths, I haven't broken down and cried. I started out angry but now I just don't have much to say about anything. I basically keep to myself in my thoughts but I still haven't cried. Is something wrong with me?

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No I don’t think anything is wrong with you. Everyone processes differently. It may hit you when you least expect it. 

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Grief is a very different journey for us all and one day you might feel differently to the day before. None of it is right or wrong. We just have to go with our feelings and be kind to ourselves. My father passed on the 31st October and my sister has hardly cried. She has been wondering if there is something wrong with her too. There is not. She is just experiencing grief the way she needs to and you are doing the same.

I’m sorry you are going through this. Be kind to yourself. 

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As has been said, there is nothing wrong with not crying. Grief presents itself in many different ways, of which tears are but one. My brother is very reserved and is uncomfortable expressing his emotions in front of others. When we found out our mother was terminally ill, my sister and I were crying, but our brother looked very stolid. He wasn't any less sad than we were, but he expresses his sadness in his own way. 

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 Nothing is wrong with you everyone responds to grief differently. My father died too and the thing is that there is no right or wrong way to respond to this. Everyone responds to it differently with grief, emotions come and go and you may not feel any emotions about it. My brother didn't cry even though I was in tears and that's okay no one should feel bad for how they feel. 


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