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When does it stop being “early grief”?


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I’m reading/audiobooking “It’s ok that you’re not ok”, which I’m really finding helpful. Ms Devine, the author and reader, keeps referring to “early grief” as in “x happens especially in early grief”.

When does the “early grief” phase end? Is there some kind of milestone, like you stop getting the weepies as easily or similar?

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I wondered the same thing reading that. I finished it in late-September, which was about 2 months after my mom’s death and almost a month after my Dad’s...

I’m gonna go ahead and guess the timeline is something like “between 2 and 100 years “

I’ve heard it said before that you shouldn’t start dating after a breakup until at least half the time you were together has passed... I really really hope that’s not true for grief.

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@Jacx, thanks. Uff, to lose both of your parents in such quick succession.

As for dating....I’m not even thinking about that. Anyway, by the advice you’ve heard, I’ll have to wait 16 years, which would mean maybe once I retire. I guess by then I might have changed my mind.

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Yeah I’m looking at 32+ years, but much but I can’t see grief ending anytime soon

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