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My son won't talk to me anymore...


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Its been almost a year since the last time I talked to my son. He used to live with his mom about 10 mins from me. But then in November 2019 I got the following text message from him.

"Hey, Dad I've been meaning to tell you, I've just been so busy, but we are moving to Dixon, CA to live with Tita R. right now and next year (maybe in the summer) we will move to Washington. So by tomorrow we will be in Dixon. Sorry I couldn't tell you sooner"

This left me feeling hurt beyond words. Not only was he moving so far away. But he didn't bother to tell me until he was in the car and on the road. I never got a chance to say by or hug him one more time. This made me feel like he didn't care enough about me to make an effort to tell me sooner. And to tell me by a text message felt just plain insulting... I thought my pain couldn't get any worse. But since leaving he hasn't made any attempt to contact me. He hasnt answered his phone so I'm left with sending him messages. I sent him a merry Christmas message and he never replied, I told him happy birthday he didn't reply. What hurt most is when fathers day came around he didn't call text or make any attempt to contact me. This hurt me deeper than you could imagine. This is my only child who doesn't appear to care about me anymore. My birthday was a few days ago and still nothing... I could understand if he was 8 or 9 yrs old. This behavior could be written off as he's to young to know better. But my son is 23 yrs old. How do you deal with something like this?? How does a parent deal with this hurt?? Im just lost, confused, hurt and angry. Do I continue to attempt to contact someone who obviously doesn't care about me? Or just let him go and move on with my life ?

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Dear HurtinginSoCal,

I'm sorry to hear how painful your son's silence has been. It sounds like you've done everything you can to reach out your son. 

I sometimes think people live in their bubble and don't realize the effect their silence might have on their loved ones.

Are you able to talk to his mom? Is he behaving the same way towards here? Have you said it hurts you that he hasn't been in touch? I don't know if he has other social media platforms you could reach out to him on.

I hope your son will reach out soon and let you know he is okay. 

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Thank you for the reply. He lives with his mom, little brother and step dad. They all moved away together. He is on all major social media. But. But hasnt responded to any communication...

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