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Loss of a patient


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I am a pediatric nurse. I was working with a baby who had been premature and spent 8 months in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). I helped him come home and was his home care nurse overnight 5 nights a week. 

He got sick one day and suddenly died in the hospital 2 days later. I am gutted, devastated and overcome with grief. 

I took 2 weeks off work and now I am back part time but I don't think I can do it anymore. I have panic attacks, I am afraid for the safety of my patients every second. Some days are ok and some I can barely function. 

I felt guilty at first even though the doctors and parents assured me there was nothing they or I could have done to prevent what happened.

What do I do? There is a shortage of home care nurses and an even greater shortage of home care nurses that can work with ventilators. I just can't, anymore. No matter how much I love it or how good I am at it.

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