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Something “blue” was borrowed, taken, and replaced with something “new”

Art Thebes

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Today, I wept


today, I sobbed and fought. 

today, is quite nearly tomorrow 


TODAY, something new happened. 

I loved, I laughed, I cried, I failed miserably at taking care of myself, I forgot to eat, I’ve BARELY slept...




today a dam broke inside of me. I smiled, I laughed, I SOBBED.. 

and I was lifted up.. by all of you. And by the gentle, frightened, timid, yet AWESOMELY FIERCE love of a dear friend. 

thank you. 

i love you too. And I would be honored to be there, help, have a fun afternoon, enjoy life, celebrate, be MYSELF... and just bask in the magnificent, soft yet permeating light of your happiness, joy, apprehension, fear, anxiety....

and your unconditional love. A more true friend, a definitive reason, a nigh flashing sign... if I could explain the I ineffable, I would. 

today, a simple thank you, will suffice. 

i smiled today. I cried today. And you held my hand, and I smiled again... thank you. 


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What is Love we ask. It is a feeling, not an emotion, just as your friend Chester taught us. It is “the capacity to be present with, understand and see the other human being for exactly who they are, to accept them for who they are and invite them unconditionally to be in your presence exactly the way they are”. Dr Gabor Mate


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On 8/16/2020 at 6:42 AM, Maria_PI said:

What is Love we ask. It is a feeling, not an emotion, just as your friend Chester taught us. It is “the capacity to be present with, understand and see the other human being for exactly who they are, to accept them for who they are and invite them unconditionally to be in your presence exactly the way they are”. Dr Gabor Mate

Preach, sister! :)

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i startled myself in the mirror today.

i was standing erect and without slouch

i had color in my eyes

i had a smile on my face.

I had a smile on my face... in fact, it was in my eyes, and humor twitching on my lips.

I have you to thank for that.

I feel the love in those walls,

I feel the laughter, the tears, the joy, and yes, the pain...

I had my hand held by a child, as she looked at me and whispered "I love you! Not half the love; ALL the love!"

I feel at home there.

I fell apart on Tuesday, when I watched you fall into the pit... 

I held you.

I knew exactly where you had gone.

I watched you break into a million pieces.

I held you.

I struggled not to break... 

I failed a bit at that...

I just knew if I didn't jump into the pit with you, I wouldn't be able to help...

I found an inner strength; one until that afternoon, was one that I was certain in its disappearance, yet there it was.

I watched you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and let your eyes meet mine.

I watched you smile.

I only half heartedly argued about the check for dinner; 

I was basking in your joy, generosity, and how amazed I am at your strength.

I startled myself in the mirror today...

I had found a home...

I had found a home, and that home was blue...

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38 minutes ago, Art Thebes said:

i startled myself in the mirror today.

i was standing erect and without slouch

i had color in my eyes

i had a smile on my face.

I had a smile on my face... in fact, it was in my eyes, and humor twitching on my lips.

I have you to thank for that.

I feel the love in those walls,

I feel the laughter, the tears, the joy, and yes, the pain...

I had my hand held by a child, as she looked at me and whispered "I love you! Not half the love; ALL the love!"

I feel at home there.

I fell apart on Tuesday, when I watched you fall into the pit... 

I held you.

I knew exactly where you had gone.

I watched you break into a million pieces.

I held you.

I struggled not to break... 

I failed a bit at that...

I just knew if I didn't jump into the pit with you, I wouldn't be able to help...

I found an inner strength; one until that afternoon, was one that I was certain in its disappearance, yet there it was.

I watched you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and let your eyes meet mine.

I watched you smile.

I only half heartedly argued about the check for dinner; 

I was basking in your joy, generosity, and how amazed I am at your strength.

I startled myself in the mirror today...

I had found a home...

I had found a home, and that home was blue...

Can I LOVE this a MILLION times?!?!

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7 minutes ago, Maria_PI said:

Can I LOVE this a MILLION times?!?!

Yes. Yes, you may. :)


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@Art Thebes. I am so happy for you!!!  Taking a big step there..I'm reading your story with new hope for what can happen even after we feel all is lost.  You've been in my prayers and will continue to be.  Wishing you all the happiness your heart can hold!

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