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Recovering from loss


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Have never really reached out like this before as I've always felt like I could cope, but struggling to find a way to move on.

4 months ago my mum passed away due to complications because of her alcoholism and I really am struggling at coming to terms with it. I've just separated with my partner of 4 years which I feel is down to me failing as a father and a fiance due to how ive been. 

Just wondered if anybody had any advice as i don't really know what else I can try to do

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Dear Shaun,

My deepest sympathies. You've been through a lot and losing a parent is one of life's most devastating moments. It is not something that we can turn off and the grieving process can take years to work through.

It's good that you are reaching out. We all need support during this difficult time made even more difficult with the current health pandemic.

It's not easy to know what we need to comfort ourselves. Many people have tried counselling, group support, writing, working out, talking to trusted friends and family members about their feelings. There is no one thing but hopefully just the act of taking one step will help a little. I also found a lot of support at these websites.

Grief in Common

Grief Healing Blog

What's Your Grief

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