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i moved away with my daughter


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i recently moved away to another town with my daughter. its only been a little over 9 months since i lost my husband but i felt we needed to be near family. we were very isolated where we were and winter was awful last year without him. now im having panic..alot..is this normal? i have panic attacks anyways but the funny thing is i wasnt during the move but now i am...i think im over tired. and i miss my husband so much today. 

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I lost my husband 6 months ago, it seems very strange to me how time passes by. The empty hours filled with work and mindless chores, which turn into weeks then into months. I am still in pain and miss him the same as day 1,  everything day. Sounds like moving was probably very wise for you and your Daughter, proud of you that you were able muster the strength. Survival is our instinct pushing through what needs to be done. The quarantine makes it so much worse. 

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@garysgirl I lost my husband two weeks ago tomorrow. I miss him.... and can’t grasp he is gone. It’s like he’s on a business trip and will be home soon. I can’t imagine how much energy and emotional strength it took to move. Moving is hard in normal circumstances but when you add grief on top of it, I’m guessing your panic attacks are the result of just too much. We can only process so much. Take care of yourself and remember just one day at a time. If your attacks continue, you should go to your doctor and/or therapist to help deal with them. They can become debilitating. Sending you love....

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5 hours ago, garysgirl said:

i recently moved away to another town with my daughter. its only been a little over 9 months since i lost my husband but i felt we needed to be near family. we were very isolated where we were and winter was awful last year without him. now im having panic..alot..is this normal? i have panic attacks anyways but the funny thing is i wasnt during the move but now i am...i think im over tired. and i miss my husband so much today. 

I have damn panic attacks every time I move.  I think often it is stress, being tired and questioning everything about a new place.  ((HUGS)). If it felt right then it probably was right and after some rest it may feel that way again.  

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16 hours ago, garysgirl said:

i recently moved away to another town with my daughter. its only been a little over 9 months since i lost my husband but i felt we needed to be near family. we were very isolated where we were and winter was awful last year without him. now im having panic..alot..is this normal? i have panic attacks anyways but the funny thing is i wasnt during the move but now i am...i think im over tired. and i miss my husband so much today. 

Sometimes we hold it together when we have to and then let down when it's over, I went through that during the storm we had 1 1/2 years ago, the hardest one I've ever been through, w/o electricity, water, flushing, phone, internet, for over eight days, could not go anywhere for all of the frozen snow (4'5").  When my son showed up, I cried with relief!  Catharsis.  For you, you were being strong and holding it together, now you're feeling the anxiety about what's to come...try to stay in today, after 15 years I have to do that still...

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thank you so much for all of your responses. they make me feel alot better. and not like im crazy. 

im sorry for all of your losses.  its not a place anyone should have to be.(idk how to respond individually).

my move is complicated on top of everything else. im still making trips 2 hours away. :(



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