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These Are The Days ...

Larry W.

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The day that my sweet wife passed into God's Hands changed me - as just a person and a simple man, into much more of a spiritual entity.  I've now 'taken to heart' something I knew, but, until that day, did not truly accept; i.e., "That Each Day Is A Gift From God - That Is Why It Is Called 'The Present!

As the Chinese Philosopher Lao-Tzu said, "IF you are sad and depressed, you are living in the past.  IF you are worried or anxious, you are living in the future.  IF you have joy in your heart and can experience pleasure, you are living in the present."

And, in that regard, if I may, I'd like to show the lyrics to a Van Morrison song called, "These Are The Days."

For anyone who may want to avoid future regrets, I strongly recommend taking the following under consideration ... 


"These Are The Days"

These are the days of the endless summer
These are the days, the time is now
There is no past, there's only future
There's only here, there's only now

Oh your smiling face, your gracious presence
The fires of spring are kindling bright
Oh the radiant heart and the song of glory
Crying freedom in the night

These are the days by the sparkling river
His timely grace and our treasured find
This is the love of the one magician
Turned the water into wine

These are days of the endless dancing and the
Long walks on the summer night
These are the days of the true romancing
When I'm holding you oh, so tight

These are the days by the sparkling river
His timely grace and our treasured find
This is the love of the one great magician
Turned water into wine

These are the days now that we must savour
And we must enjoy as we can
These are the days that will last forever
You've got to hold them in your heart.
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5 hours ago, Larry W. said:

"IF you are sad and depressed, you are living in the past.  IF you are worried or anxious, you are living in the future.  IF you have joy in your heart and can experience pleasure, you are living in the present."

Oh so true, I have felt that myself.  Thank you for sharing this poem.

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Thank you for sharing this. I have also felt the importance of the present more than ever since my husband passed away. Being conscious in the present moment is also a way for bereaved people to get back in touch with joy, such as being with a beloved pet or waking to the sunrise.  

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