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Dear DiaDragon,

I'm so sorry for your loss. I don't think any of us think our parents are never coming back after they leave the house. They are the strongest people we know and we fully expect they will recover and be with us for a long time. I too struggled with guilt after my dad passed. I found this article helped me a lot. 


It's still not easy and these feelings are part of the grieving process. It will be raw. Be kind to yourself and know you loved your dad and he knew it too. 

My counselor had suggested I write my father a letter or consider talking to my father as if he was sitting across from me. To tell him everything that I felt I failed to tell him in person. I found it took me nearly a 2 years before I could let some of these guilt feelings go. I still have moments 4 years later and wish so badly things were different.

It's hard to seek out additional supports during this difficult time, but I also found these websites helped and comforted me.

What's Your Grief

Grief in Common

Grief Healing Blog

Grief Recovery Method

Please take care and know we are with you.

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