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My Mother


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I’m new here so bare with me. I lost my mom July 5,2020, just 5 days ago. I’m so heartbroken how everything played out. I’m so hurt and lost and this is just the beginning. To top everything off I tested positive for COVID. I’m thankful mom wanted to be cremated because I would have miss her funeral if she had wanted it the other way like a traditional funeral. I’m so empty. I have had to grieve alone. I got phone calls and I called out but it’s not like being with someone and talking. 

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Dear Cynthia,

I am very sorry for your loss. It is a lot to go through during this very difficult time with the health pandemic.  Please know we are here with you. I also wanted to suggest these other websites that offer additional support.

What's Your Grief

Grief in Common

Grief Healing Blog

Grief Recovery Method

Facebook has some grief groups that are also supportive.

Take care and our thoughts are with you.

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