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Recent loss of my mother


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I am a new member and wanted to introduce myself.  There are no support groups in my area, of course, not meeting now with Covid-19, but I have searched out support groups even before the virus and it was very difficult to find one I could attend.  I am a caregiver to my Mom, well, was, as well as my husband, who has Parkinson’s. I lost my Mom in May, coming up on two months.  I still have not come to terms with her not being here. My husband’s disease is progressing so time has been devoted to learning how to best  help him.  My Mom has had dementia since 2007, as well as terrible arthritis.  Lifting her these last months made it very difficult.  The quarantine to my husband and I was no big deal as we hardly were able to leave our home.  Going more than 10 minutes away was a stretch.  Little help from siblings, maybe three to four hours every Saturday, if it suited, was the break we got on some weekends. Well, that’s all for now.  Thank you.  Hope all of you are well and staying safe in this terrible time of uncertainty.  ❤️

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Dear Bluebird,

I'm sorry for your loss. It is hard being the primary caregiver and not getting enough support from siblings. After my dad passed, I found a lot of support at this website called 

Aging Care


Here they will understand the challenges you face and continue to face caring for your husband during this difficult time.

There is also support at 

Grief in Common

Grief Healing Blog

What's Your Grief

Please take care and know that we are with you.

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Thank you so much for responding. I will look into these sites as well.

take care❤️

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