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Overwhelmed by grief


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Gilbert came into my life unexpectedly as a 4 week old kitten found at a cross country meet. I took him in and he become my best friend who helped me go through a terrible breakup. He would sit on the shower mat while I would shower, he would sit on my feet while I cooked and cuddle with me all the time. He would often go outside and sometimes spend the night outside and would always come back in the morning when called. This little guy loved “outside time” and would pop screens off windows and open doors. The last night he got out he didn’t come back the next morning, or the next morning or the one after that. Then I got a call that a neighbor had found him, but not before a coyote. I’m feeling very guilt ridden and horrible loneliness from his absence knowing we will never cuddle again. 

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I JUST lost my cat to coyote 2 nights ago and I am DEVASTATED.     I am NOT getting through this well at all!!!    I can't stop thinking of what she went through.   Gosh this is killing me! 

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I am so sorry for both of you.  I lost two cats to cougars, very very hard.  I only hope and pray very quick as I know when they're grabbed sometimes they go into shock and that preserves them from feeling what ensues.


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So sorry to read this - for you both who have posted. It is such a heartbreak to lose them especially when it was sudden and to a predator.

I wish I had some words of comfort, I am so sorry. 

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I JUST lost my cat to coyote 2 nights ago and I am DEVASTATED.     I am NOT getting through this well at all!!!    I can't stop thinking of what she went through.   Gosh this is killing me! 

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@Kathtus  I am so sorry, I've lost two to cougars.  My only comfort is know that when they are grabbed from behind they go into shock and it preserves them from feeling what otherwise would be excruciating pain.  I don't think they know what hit them.  The missing them seems to go on and on...

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On 7/2/2020 at 8:22 AM, KayC said:

@Kathtus  I am so sorry, I've lost two to cougars.  My only comfort is know that when they are grabbed from behind they go into shock and it preserves them from feeling what otherwise would be excruciating pain.  I don't think they know what hit them.  The missing them seems to go on and on...

Yes it seems to haunt me.  Knowing what my cat went through.  It happened so fast.   The Coyote was skilled.  I am still very very sad.  Her absence has changed me.    Goshbim sorry for cats and the cougars.   I love all cats but it's sucks nature also TAKES from us. 

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