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In the present tense


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Hello everyone.  I just want to share a little something that happened last weekend.

My sister and her husband were finally able to come visit.  We had had to postpone twice because of COVID, but decided that at some point we had to decide that we'd followed all the rules, would continue to do so, and would take necessary precautions now that "stay at home" orders have been reduced to "minimize exposure with non family; wear masks in public; social distance."

A few times over the weekend, my sister said things like, "The four of us should (whatever subject she was talking about)."  She didn't even realize she'd done it the first time.  I tilted my head, looked at her and asked, "Four?"  Then she realized she was thinking of her beloved brother-in-law in the present.  She said she was so used to him being here, being part of everything, that her mind kept thinking that he was and is.  I was truly touched and reminded her that I do that all the time, slipping back and forth from the past to the present tense.  That I still use "we" and "our" and "us" often.

My heart was lifted because she is keeping him alive, not just as a memory, but as a part of her life now.

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That is very touching. She obviously loved him too. I can see how that would make your heart smile. I'm happy you got that unexpected gift. 

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How beautiful, I loved reading this. The two of you were one entity and always will be. 

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That is very special.  I had the opposite reaction...was talking to his best friend at church yesterday and I mentioned George dying 15 Father's Days ago and he said, "Has it been that long?  It doesn't seem possible."  It does to me.  No one mentions him anymore except one of my sisters now and then.

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