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My Dad


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Hi I lost my Dad in January of this year it was sudden as we were expecting to take him home. I never said I loved him or goodbye he passed away before I got to the ward that he was on I was in the hospital grounds looking for a parking space when I got the call they said there had been emergency never did I think that he had passed away. You see my dad was 100 missed his 101 birthday by 2 months but also the one birthday that I wanted him to see was my 60th which was before his birthday in the same month of March. How am I ever going to carry on without him life will never be the same again. I have no one to look up to any more as my mum died when I was 14 yrs old 

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Your dad knows you love him.  He is watching you from above.  

When my dad passed last year, I was in a deep grief. I cried day and night.  One night, I was all alone and sad as usual,  I felt sombody pat my shoulder.  I was confused at first. But I soon realized that must be my dad.  

So, I can tell you that the love from your dad still stays with you even though he is not here physically.  He is your guardian angel now.

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Dear Caroline,

I'm sorry for your loss.  It's very hard to be without our beloved parents. We still long for them be here with us and sharing milestones. Be gentle with yourself during this sad and difficult time. I take comfort in Kevin's words and hope so much that my dad is looking out for us and still comforting us in his own way.

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