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Losing a sibling makes everything seem worthless


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So it’s been a year since I lost my older sister (21 at the time) to suicide. I thought it was getting better I thought my mental health after loosing her was improving but lately everything is a struggle, I feel so alone, talking to people doesn’t seem to help and I don’t know what to do.

On Saturday it will be my late sisters birthday she would have been 23. Everyone seems to be fine and not really care, we don’t have any special places to go for her. My whole world stopped after loosing her we only just started to become close again after a falling out and all of a sudden she’s gone. After finding out about her death I felt as though the years we got together were now not enough and everything I ever did wrong to her seemed like that may have been the reason she did what she did.

The biggest thing she was proud of me for was my football she used to message me all the tine saying how proud she was of me and now that she’s gone I can’t play anymore, everytime I do something wrong I feel as though I’m disappointing her. And I love the game but I just can’t deal with her not being here and no one understands everyone says I’m stupid for stopping but I just can’t.

I just miss her so much but have no one anymore



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Dear tee2002, 

I'm so sorry you're feeling alone. And I'm sorry to see that no one replied to your comment. You're not alone. It's so tough losing a sibling. I lost my brother suddenly a few months ago. I'm feeling your grief with you. Death by suicide is especially hard. Do you have a suicide loss support group in your area? I found one in my city and it has made all the difference for me. It has really helped. I hope you find that. Remember, you're not alone. Find that group. Find those people who understand. I'm thinking of you all the way from New Zealand. 


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