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Mom died unexpectedly

Seth chambers

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I had to give my mother CPR on our bathroom floor 100% unexpectedly. She had no health problems it was a 100% unexpected and I can't stop crying. Any advice?

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My deepest condolences for the loss of your precious mom.

Its very traumatic to see our loved ones in an emergency situation and you sure did your best.

If you should feel guilty about it, maybe you should have done more, then let me tell u its normal part of grief to think sometimes like that. But you dont have to feel guilt.

There is no right or wrong in grieving, its very individual and it is a price that we pay for love.It such a strong emotion that will consume you at the beginning.                 

Let your emotions out, dont supress them.If you need to talk about it,then do it.   

  Grief will come in waves and your loss is very fresh so take your time to cry. If you feel like you still want to tell your mother something you couldnt because she died unexpectedly then write it down, it will release you. And when the pain at somedays is too much, try to do something that is good for you, even if it is a small thing, like taking a long bath, or go to the gym,take a walk in the nature,read a book,etc.

I wish you much strenght in this hard time

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