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Lost my 6 month old daugheter


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Hi pals i just lost my 6month old daughter whose health deteriorated even with treatment.God have mercy on her soul.Till we meet again elizabeth,luv u always.

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Ashleys Mom
Hi pals i just lost my 6month old daughter whose health deteriorated even with treatment.God have mercy on her soul.Till we meet again elizabeth,luv u always.

I’m so sorry for the loss of your baby girl I had miscarriages but it’s nothing compared to loosing a child bought to this earth n that you have cared for I’m so sorry I lost my daughter in a bad car wreck at age 25 n it pisses me off to hear people say I she’s in a better place because she had a lil 6 year old n then her father took that baby from me so it’s lik loosing two girls

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