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This is MARGEETX!!!


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I posted yesterday, but I posted to the wrong page.  I have been away since I had a heart ablation May 6th that did not go well, and ended up in ICU for 3 weeks.  The month of May is us blurr, Mother’s Day sucked B’h time, and now I am facing the twins birthday on June 7 th.  But I have not forgotten any of you.  As I said on the other post, it seemed Jason was sitting with me in ICU.  Probably just the drugs, but thinking of him was good.  Let me hear from all of you.

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Ashleys Mom

I’m praying for you

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Thank you so much.  Where is DIMEBOX, TEXAS!!!!! I live in DFW .  

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Aaliyah’s Mom

Hope you have a speedy recovery. God is with you

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Ashleys Mom
Thank you so much.  Where is DIMEBOX, TEXAS!!!!! I live in DFW .  

Dimebox is about 40 mins from Bryan Tx

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Ashleys Mom
Thank you so much.  Where is DIMEBOX, TEXAS!!!!! I live in DFW .  

We are actually trying to move away from Dimebox n back to Dallas area

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