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I have missed you all this past month


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Hi everyone...THIS IS MARGEETX!!!!! I know y’all think I fell off a log somewhere, but I didn’t.  I had a heart ablation on May 6th, and let’s just say that the doctors and nurses earned whatever sorry M’care will pay.   It did not go well and I ended up in ICU for nearly 3 weeks, catching every germ that has ever been in that hospital.  Today is the first day that I have even looked at my iPad.  Mother’s Day sucked, of course. But all of you have been in my thoughts and prayers....every single day.....that I could think straight. And y’all know how screwy my thinking is.   The twins Birthday is June 7th...who wants to bet on me crying that day?  There were times in ICU that I could feel Jason with me...or was the drugs?  I prefer to know that it was Jason sitting with me.

Take care and hopefully I will continue to gain strength and will be back with “my group” again.


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My girl is in heaven

Hi Margee.  You certainly have had your share of health problems.  Just an FYI, you are on the loss of a child site and we all post on 

loss of an adult child site.  Hope to see you back again.  Lu....Kira’s mama.


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