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I missed important event


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My only granddaughter graduating from 8th grade tonite.  Daughterinlaw just texted me that my son was looking for me and they saved me a seat.  I"m in tears..... thought it was tommorow night, and it already started and its 30 minutes away. :( So I will miss it... I feel like a horrible grandma... I so wanted to be there..I never miss important events.  I even put on calendar, but wrong day. I guess my mind still not the best.  They will take pictures for me.  I will text her later and explain.  My stomach is sick over this...and I ( was) having an ok day.  Thanks for letting me vent,  I know all of you will understand how I messed up the days. Jeanne

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Billie Rae

Jeanne,I know you feel terrible,but it's so easy now to get days wrong,especially since our sleep is sporadic at best,last week I lost track of the days and went to work on Saturday,I thought it was Friday.
We have lost track of our normal markers of time.
This grief and being alone have disoriented us,our clocks are broken.
I love you and hugs

Sent from my LG-TP260 using Grieving.com mobile app

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@Billie Rae  Thankyou, am feeling somewhat better now. I got texts from all three, including granddaughter telling me it was ok, they understood.  I' ll have to put extra money in her card for sure.  Going to work on a day off, oh no.....I totally get it though.  I did a goofy one years ago when I worked at 6am. I was up getting ready, taking bath, washing hair..Kevin came downstairs and asked me what I was doing...I said getting ready for work. He said " its midnight". Oh my, back to bed I went for 4 1/2 more hrs. Lol.  I 'm just abit worse these days. Hope you are feeling abit of peace in your new apartment. Thinking of you every day. Love you too. Jeanne

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You are definitely not alone when it comes to absent mindedness, disorientation and a mental fog.  I've experienced similar on numerous occasions since my wife's passing.  I set reminders for nearly everything, but that didn't help prevent me from getting in line at the market, getting to the cashier and realizing I hadn't done any shopping and had nothing in my hands to buy.  I'm glad your family was very understanding.

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I’m so grateful you all posted these grief fog stories.  I helps me realize I don’t have dementia and I’m not going crazy...

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I am so sorry you missed that special time.  Grief fog is very real and I'm not convinced my brain has ever been the same since.  Somewhat better but not as before. I hope they all understand and I'm glad you'll get pictures.  Nope, no dementia and definitely not crazy!

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16 hours ago, JES said:

Going to work on a day off, oh no

I did that too.  Drove 50 miles to work on MLK day.  Went ahead and worked since I was there.  It would have been nice if my boss had said to take Friday off instead but he didn't.


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