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Can’t move on


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My dad died from cancer 23 years ago and I still can’t talk or think about him without crying. He was my best friend. As I type this I’m crying. I don’t know how to move on. 

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Dear Alouise75,

I'm so sorry, I know its terribly hard to lose a beloved parent. Please don't be hard on yourself. I don't think grief has a fixed schedule and the pain can affect us our whole life. Have you ever considered talking to a grief counselor? Or joining a support group? That might help to have additional support. I also find these websites helpful in understanding my grief:

What's Your Grief

Grief in Common

Grief Healing Blog

Tiny Buddha

Grief Recovery Method

Grief Share

There are also many Facebook groups that offer support for those of us who have lost parents. Please know you are not alone with your thoughts and feelings.

Thinking of you.


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