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One year today: sharing a poem that has comforted me


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It is one year today at 9:36 am. She crossed over and my life forever changed.

I was terrified for this day to arrive, but it is here and not the horror I anticipated it would be. The sun is out and I feel peaceful.

I can cope, use this day to reflect on the love and joy and the good things we lived together for 28 years.

Anyway, somewhere I ran into this poem and downloaded it last summer.

Today I was drawn to read it again and the comfort it has continued to bring is priceless.

I wanted to share it here and thought maybe others had similar things to share so I started this thread.

Be at peace-


Lily Bell


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Such a beautiful poem.  It is just what I needed this morning to make it through one more day.  

May comfort and peace be with you on your difficult day.



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I love this :)  Thank you for posting

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Billie Rae

My favorite.thank you Lily Bell,I'm happy it felt peaceful for you.
Much love

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It felt peaceful starting out, but through the day I felt disconnected, like the walking dead myself. It was a gorgeous spring day but I felt oblivious to it.

I used to have such a passion, a deep joy in the simplest of things. Birds, flowers, etc. Now nothing. Just one foot in front of the other.

Can't remember, can't concentrate, can't focus. My mind is shot. 

I wonder if I will ever be normal again.

I don't think so.

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@Moment2moment I wonder the same thing "will I ever be normal again?"  I can function and probably act more normal than I feel.  I feel no joy inside,  no excitement or looking forward to things I like I used too.  I too, hope it doesn't last forever.  To just exist is not what I want for the rest of my life.  Thinking of all.

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Billie Rae

I feel this to,just going through the motions of life.Not really feeling it,waiting for bedtime,waiting to get up.Deep sorrow.
Love you all

Sent from my LG-TP260 using Grieving.com mobile app

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4 hours ago, JES said:

@Moment2moment I wonder the same thing "will I ever be normal again?"  I can function and probably act more normal than I feel.  I feel no joy inside,  no excitement or looking forward to things I like I used too.  I too, hope it doesn't last forever.  To just exist is not what I want for the rest of my life.  Thinking of all.

IL guess that's why they call it a new normal, the old one is gone.  It doesn't mean it'll always stay like it is today though, it's ever evolving, not stagnant although it can feel like it at times.


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