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It's a year today since my beloved husband was laid to mother Earth. 

Tomorrow would have been our 4th year wedding anniversary were he to be here.


31st may will be 2years since my mum passed.

It's hard...I have been through so much and still going through pain of not having my husband any more.

In the midst of these sad memories though, 17th May will bring me some ray of hope and light as my son,the product of the love my husband and I shared will be 3years old.


These days I don't even know what to think or feel anymore. I wish I know what really the future holds for me because now is so painful and full of loneliness and devoid of true happiness.

Thank you all for your support in this difficult journey.

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Nely, I am sorry, I truly am, I remember you.  I am glad you have your son and I just wish your husband could be here raising him with you.  How hard to lose your husband the day before your anniversary.  :(


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@Nely  I am also sad for this day for you.  I am hoping you find some comfort in your little boy today and in his birthday.  I hope his daddys spirit and love shine through the pain, and your moms also.  Thinking of you and your little boy, and sending love.  Jeanne


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