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Natural ways to reduce anxiety


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I’m always on the look out for natural ways to help calm my nerves.  While reading a Forbes article I came across information about the “world most relaxing song”.  

“According to Mindlab International, the group behind the research, the power of this song is outstanding compared to any other song they have ever tested.  “ Weightless” induces a 65% reduction in anxiety and a 35% reduction in usual physiological resting rates” 

check it out on YouTube you have to listen to the whole 5 minutes for it to have a positive affect.

Weightless by Marconi Union


I would love to hear if anyone else has had success with alternative forms of reducing anxiety 

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Grief creates a level of anxiety and panic and despair I've never experienced. Everything I do is alternative. If necessary and needed I would also consider pharmaceutical approaches.  Not against it but I prefer the natural alternative. 

The work calming these feelings is exhausting and seems to be ongoing.  I alternative my approaches. I do whatever works.  I mix it up. 


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