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How do I get through this

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I’ve never done something like this, but maybe someone out there has advice or experience that will help me. I’m going through a divorce right now, and I have no idea how to deal with the powerful emotions that are coming up. I don’t know how to be without him. Just a brief background. Me and my husband Cole met at school and we’ve been married for 2 years in December. We were, and remain to this day, best friends. Unfortunately, we were hit with some very big trials as well as the realization that of very irreconcilable differences. We would both be giving up our own happiness if we stayed together. But being without him feels like I’m ripping a piece of myself out and throwing it away. I’m not handleing the pain well at all, and I have no idea what to expect. Our divorce isn’t official, but we’re about to start the paperwork this week. How do you make yourself be okay when you both still love each other so much. How do get the initial pain before the healing can begin? What do I do to start the healing process? I feel like I don’t have closure because there’s still a lot of love there for both of us. And that just makes everything so confusing and unbearable.. does anyone have experience with this situation or have advice for me? 


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