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Help for the recently bereaved


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I want to propose a website that helped me a lot: http://www.cragman.com

It's about sudden death, but not exclusively. The website provides vast information that I think can help many finding themselves in our shoes; the people who lost their beloved partner.

It helps to organize the essential things when still under shock:

http://www.cragman.com/newlywidowed.htm  e.g. http://www.cragman.com/firstfewdays.htm

It helped me to recognize, that another suffering soul was also not so quick to "recover":



There was/is a lot of other invaluable information for me; I hope one or the other can find something that helps her/him in the darkest time of life.


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@HPBdid a skim and I'm so appreciative of this share.  How she shares feels right.  I struggle so hard and I know I will continue but there is a light coming from what she shares. I just am feeling it.  I appreciate so much all you share. 

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19 hours ago, Sunflower2 said:




...now figured; referring to "she" is the lady of mentioned website...


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27 minutes ago, HPB said:

w figured; referring to "she" is the lady of mentioned website...

yes I couldn't remember her name but interesting I remembered her husbands name, Doug, 

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Very good.  I don't know how she had the presence of mind to start such organized blogs when he died, but she has good information there.


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