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I’m 23 years old and I’m going through the worst moment of my life so far right now. My grandmother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on June 25th of this year. We were told it was stage 2 at first, but a couple weeks later it was discovered to be at stage 4.  She’s been getting treatment these past couple of months for it and it looked like things were looking up until yesterday. She was admitted to ICU cause of her low blood pressure, liver infection, UTI and a blockage in her kidney. It’s been a very stressful Christmas with her in the hospital and my mom hasn’t been taking things well either. She’s been dealing with severe anxiety and depression since the diagnosis and everything that happend yesterday has made her have a lot mental breakdowns to the point where she is hyperventilating and having chest pains and crying uncontrollably. I love my mom so much and it hurts seeing her like this. I just don’t know what to do anymore, I know that through this God has a plan but it’s just so much to handle and ins cared if anything happens to my grandmother my mom will just lose herself to the grief. I just really need prayer right now I know God is capable of turning this situation around, but it’s just so overwhelming. 


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