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the first anniversary is coming up


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Hi all, 

This weekend will mark the one year anniversary since my father passed away unexpectedly and I was just wondering if anyone has some suggestions on making it through the weekend. (Note: im not American so it is not our thanksgiving this weekend). (im currently 17 if this helps lol)

My mom and sibling like to reminisce and say how much my dad would've loved this or that, and say that he's always watching and stuff like that. I personally can't stand when people say that because I like to suppress my emotions and not talk about anything. I do my best to be sensitive to their feelings as well but its hard when it brings me pain. I am guessing that friends and family will be over at some point this weekend but I only like telling funny stories about my dad and remembering the good times, and not sitting around singing kumbaya and dwelling on the fact that he's no longer with us. 

One last question, how do I tell my mom that I appreciate everything she does for us because I know that she has struggled the most out of all of us and she has clinical depression (I feel guilty when im not home and she has to be by herself a lot). Im not one to have sappy/emotional conversations but I think it is important to tell her this. 

Thank you.

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Dear M1000,

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how hard these anniversaries are. Please know there is no right or wrong way to grieve. And we all have to do what is best for ourselves and yet be respectful of others.

Be kind and gentle with yourself. And to take it moment by moment. For my own dad's anniversary, I went to visit this gravesite and took him flowers and a coffee. I know others suggest writing letters, releasing a balloon, eating their favorite foods or going to one of their favorite places. I think just thinking of your father will be a wonderful way to honor him.

I'm glad you want to express your appreciation to your mother. I think a card or letter or flowers would be a wonderful way to express your appreciation to her.

Please know we are all with you. Take care.

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