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I miss you so much mom!


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I just turned 29 years old, recently got married and had my first child. My mom passed away less than a month ago from a very aggressive cancer that caused her a lot of suffering. I feel so resentful that my mom didn’t live long enough to enjoy her retirement and that she was taken away from me while I’m still learning to be a mom myself. She was my best friend and just the most amazing human being. I’m so lost and questioning just everything about life and why things happen the way they do. This excruciating pain is not something I’d wish on anyone, but it is so hard to have friends that avoid talking about my mom and don’t understand at all how hard this loss is on me. I miss you so much mom. I just can’t believe you’re gone. 

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Dear KNP,

I'm so sorry for your loss. Grief is horribly raw and painful. Take your time to grieve and mourn your beloved mom. I know I too was very angry with the world. Please know there are lots of support in the community and through church and that you are not alone. We are also here with you.

Thinking of you.

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i miss my mom

Hi Love my name is kristil and I feel your pain 100%. my mom died 6 years ago by her own hand.. here it is 6 yrs later and I still feel like you do. some people says it gets easier but my question is WHEN??? I'm just now learning to deal with it. sweetie deal with it in your own way at your own time..  I'm here if you want to talk.. keep posting.. it helps..


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