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todays the hardest day of the year AGAIN!!!

i miss my mom

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i miss my mom

Please don't think ive gone crazy bc I assure you I have not.. I'm venting, and venting, and probably gonna vent some more.. my fingers wont move fast enough. my mind is racing..i really want to scream all this to the world.. ive held it long enough all by myself... so here I sit on the laptop while my husband drives me to see my mama.. wow. almost been a year... damn gotta drive... well that didn't go too good. got pulled over and I have no DL and my husband was drunk passed out in the passenger seat sooo we are now across the street in a crack motel... yay ...  I didn't make it to moms grave tonight but at least I didn't end up in jail... GOD IS GOOD!!! but I aint gonna push it tonight I'm worn out from this exhausting day.. going to bed.. be back tomorrow. nite

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