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Image of a face in the heavens


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I don't know if this is appropriate to post here, but it might bring comfort to some of us.

This is a photo taken by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope of the Cat's Paw Nebula. A little to the left of center there is what looks like a human face, or perhaps an angel face.

It's remarkable.



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Beautiful picture but I don't find it :(

.Your title drag my attention because Everytime I see the sky, I see my beloved husband... Not in reality but in my mind. I thought the same happened to you ( now I feel silly because I misread the title) but the picture is indeed magnificent and I think too it might bring comfort to someone.


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I have to confess I don't see it either, but it is a beautiful photo--I, too, look to the sky because my husband loved to look at sunrises and sunsets...

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Spengler, can you post another of this with the face circled (maybe use Paint)?  Sometimes people see things right off and sometimes it takes a while...

Thanks for sharing it!

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I hope this makes it clearer. Circled (crudely) in white, the "face" is looking down, toward the lower left-hand corner.


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actually I saw that and one to the left. a smaller version.  actually there are more hidden.  Cant circle...their there if meant to be seen,  I've always loved "find the hidden pictures" ever since I was a child,  Keep re-visiting and a few may appear.  Don't put too much energy into it, xo 

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6 hours ago, KayC said:

Sometimes people see things right off and sometimes it takes a while...

only because I loved as a child those "hidden picture puzzles." I think that's my most developed skill...finding hidden things. LOL Even as an adult I love them

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Yes, Sunflower, I see the very small man's face on its side, now that you mention it. Seems to be pretty detailed, too.


It does leave me awe struck. Many would say it's just coincidence that there are recognizable human images in celestial features. I, for one, no longer believe in coincidence or randomness. I think there are patterns and deeper meanings in every aspect of creation. And I would like to think there are subtle hints that life is eternal and omnipresent. Probably I'm either a mystic or wacko. Or both.

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Thanks for pointing it out!  When I was a kid we had a table that had designs in it and I'd look for faces, etc. in it, always loved doing that.

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