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I lost my father last week


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Dear May89

My deepest sympathies and condolences. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Thinking of you on this sad and difficult day.

Please know we are all with you.

With all my thoughts and prayers.

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Hello May89,

Most heartfelt condolences to you. I have felt what you describe. I know also that there's nothing anyone can say, but there are people like me out there who understand. I'm so very sorry. 

Thinking of you and wishing you peace.

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Nicole-my grief journey


My heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your father. Losing your parent is so painful, confusing, and hard to process. I lost my mom late July and also was questioning what do I do now? How do I go on? At first, I took things minute by minute and then hour to hour. I let myself know then and also still do now, that it is ok to be crying, deeply sad and unsure of things. It has been extremely hard not to futurize and let my mind race, but every time it happens, I try to refocus on whats right in front of me. Eating, resting and feeling your feelings and trying to surround yourself with supportive people are the most important things in the immediate. 

My thoughts are with you,


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Thank you xx and same to you my sympathy on the loss or your mum xx if I am distracted I do okay, I don't want to sit and think and feel but I am guessing that is not a good thing to do?

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Streaming The Light/Nicole gave you the best answer...just one moment at a time, and feel the pain, and cry. Try to remember that the pain is normal, which is hard to accept or believe because it hurts so badly, but knowing that did give me a little bit of peace. I think the only way past it is through it, meaning feel what you need to. Distraction is okay sometimes, too, as long as you do make sure that you let yourself feel the pain and cry when, and as hard as you need to. The problem with too much distraction, or avoidance, is I think it delays the inevitable: dealing with your grief and pain. But - do what you need to to get through the early days of the loss. For me, the worst of the confusion and pain was when it *just* happened, and the loss was very new, and it was impossible to imagine life without them. I still cry now sometimes and I miss my dad terribly, but the pain has lessened and normal life has resumed. I hope that helps. 

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