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Tips & Trips For Coping With The Holidays


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I will start us off since the Holidays are coming up....

TALK TALK and TALK some more. Talking helps ease the hard painful times. Talk to others who understand like people in this forum. 

Other ideas? Please share. 

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Thank you, Kelly.

This forum has been invaluable for support and understanding.

For myself, starting new rituals has been very hard. During the holidays now, I make time to bring my father flowers and his favorite coffee.

From reading other sites, people can release balloons into the sky with letters attached. Set place settings in honor of those that have passed. Telling stories or just taking the time to think about our loved ones. Lighting a candle or saying a prayer.

It's so hard to think once we had so many holidays centered around our loved ones and now we must come up with new ways to honor them.

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On ‎10‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 2:05 PM, reader said:


This forum has been invaluable for support and understanding.


Reader, you are so right about this forum and I think that Kelly has the right idea about talking. For me talking about my husband and how I have been feeling helps me. I also have started writing again. This will be my first Thanksgiving and Christmas without him and I am going to try and concentrate on my grandkids or possibly see if there is a nursing home or veterans facility near by that I can go to and visit with those who don't have family to come see them.


Day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment we will all make it thru.

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Good of you, KatB. I know many seniors and veterans would appreciate a visit during the holidays. For many it can also be a lonely time.

I'm with you. Being allowed to talk and get our feelings out is important.

Thank you for giving us all hope. We have to believe we are going to make it.

Thinking of you.

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I agree with both of you KatB and Reader - so many lonely people during the holidays. The seniors and veterans are so grateful. Even sending flowers to the nursing home to put at the table side of people who never get any visitors can be so lovely! 


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Halloween HUGS for people who might be struggling today in the USA with this holiday. Come join us if you are having a hard time. 

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The USA Thanksgiving Holiday is coming up this Thursday. Remember to take care of yourselves whatever that means to you. Come chat to other members - it HELPS. You are not alone. If you have any tips or tricks on how you plan to get through this coming holiday, post them here. ~ Kelly

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I wish I knew this forum existed back in October when we had Canadian Thanksgiving. I could not get out of bed. In fact I didn't. I disappointed so many family...my kids included. My husband was upset. I really tried. I scared myself...but I just couldn't.  Writing and sharing and reading stores on this site has been helpful. 

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Reenie, sorry you didn't find us sooner. Now that you are here, welcome! Maybe you can help USA people celebrating Thanksgiving since you are past  yours? So many people will be in the same place you were a month ago. 



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