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Hello all. 

We are coming up to my husband's first birthday without him. On Friday will be his 36th birthday. I don't know what to do? Almost 5months ago was the last time I saw his beautiful face. 

What did you do on the first birthday? 

I love you darling and miss you more than you know. I would give anything to hold you again xxxxx

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I remember writing a message and putting it in a balloon and releasing it to him...it went up, burst, and the pieces came back to me.  I laughed as I figured that'd be just like him with his sense of humor, so even though it didn't go as planned, it helped all the same.

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I was taken by surprise because her birthday was only one week after her death. I just said "Today is your birthday. Happy birthday my love"


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My George's death was five days after his birthday, it's interesting that so many die close in proximity to their birthday, my MIL did too.

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13 minutes ago, KayC said:

My George's death was five days after his birthday, it's interesting that so many die close in proximity to their birthday, my MIL did too.

Yes, interesting and sad.


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