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Lost my father just over a year ago


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As a child i was always in between homes either my mums or my dads. At the age of 14, i permanently lived with my dad, till the age of 22. He was my best friend as well as my dad. He was always there for me no matter what we went through. He died suddenly on 27/05/2017 by a heart attack. Died in front of me and my youngest brother. Ambulance people did try to help over 2 half hours. But he wasnt responding so i had to say yes to let him go. I arranged his funeral with my aunt and mum. It was so hard. But had to be done. When it was time for his funeral i invited his half let them know where it was going to take place invited them to the wake as well, none of them said hello to me, none of them even spoke to me, gave me any money towards his funeral and they didnt even show up.to his wake and there his brothers sister aunts uncles nieces ect. Hurted more than upsetting me. But i didnt expected anything less. Lost our home. Lost my pets. Lost all our belongings we collected over the years so not only did i lose a fav person i lost everything.. Lost my friends as well. Im so alone right now. Its fricking killing me. How am i ment to go like 50 years without my dad! Im only 23 this sucks! Have no friends i have no life i might as well give up

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Let me start by saying I'm sorry for your loss. I understand you, a lot, I'm 24 now but I lost my dad at 21/22. Nearly lost everything we owned too, barely kept it, actually lost a lot of thing but mostly we lost everyone we had in our lives, me especially. It's tough, it's horrible and I understand you wanting to give up, believe me I do, I almost did, I almost took my life after i lost my dad, he was my best friend as well and i felt like nothing without him. If you ever need help or feel alone just reach out, even like this and you'll find others with similar stories and similar pains, like me and plenty others and have faith in yourself. It does get better, slowly but it does, i promise you that, in time the ache eases, it doesn't go away but it doesn't hurt as much. Stay strong and hold onto the good times, that'll help you.

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