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my parents both died in 2012.They died without warning 24 hours apart from each other. They died from different things.

i relied on them for emotional support. since their deaths i live with a constant current of fear. i no longer feel secure in the world. anything can happen at any time.

i was visiting them in the hospital. they were there at the same time, in rooms next door to each other. And then they died. 24 hours within of each other. i was scared

to see their dead bodies one right after another. i stayed in the hospital and did not leave i saw it all.


thank you.


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Nicole-my grief journey


thank you for sharing your feelings. That’s so much to go through and so scary and life altering. I’m sorry you had to go through that. I know how that feels as I have been a witness to both of my brothers, my mom and my uncle’s deaths. I have fear too. I do my best to work through it. Your right about anything can happen at anytime, but my hope for you and the rest of us that share your feelings, is that we will be able to cope and not close ourselves off to others completely because of our fears of losing more people we love. Love and light to you. Keep sharing. We care.

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