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I lost my dad.. but just can’t seem to move on from this tragedy..

Laynee G

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My dad passed away two years ago due to a heart attack.. I am now 13.. I just can’t move on.. any coping mechanisms that will help me heal?

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Dear Laynee,

I'm very sorry for your loss.  I don't think we are supposed to move on as much as we try to find some way to incorporate this loss into our lives. Trying to make sense of world that really doesn't make sense after losing such an important person in our life.

I'm not sure if you want to, but maybe try talking to a grief counsellor or joining a support group in the community or through church. It helps to talk to like minded people. There are also support groups through Facebook as well.

I know others have tried to express their sorrow through writing, journaling, painting, drawing or creating tributes to their parents. I also found these two websites helpful in understanding my grief: What's Your Grief and Grief in Common.

It's not an easy road. Please know you are not alone and we are with you.

Take care of yourself. Thinking of you.

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First of all I’m so sorry for ur loss.. I lost my dad June 23rd 2018 and I haven’t been the same since. I don’t know who to turn to or who to talk to I kinda feel envious of people now when I see them with their fathers I’m not gonna say it’s gonna be easy but we ( u and I both) will learn to live around it. May god speed and I will be praying for u

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Hello! My mom passed away last April due to breast cancer. I am about to turn 14. This may not be alot of help but what I find to help is just to constantly remind yourself that they love you, and are watching over you.Simply understand they are proud of the person you are becoming! If you wanna chat with me, feel free!

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