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My kitten passed away last night and it hurts so much


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I didn't even know the kitten for very long only a couple weeks, oh but it stings so bad. I kissed him yesterday and this morning he was so stiff I picked him up and he was gone. I think he was sick and I just didn't know it but that only makes me feel worse and guilty.

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Lost mine yesterday to coyotes.  She was 3 1/2.  Can't stop crying.  She was my son's and he is devastated.  It sucks and I don't know how to deal with it.

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@HZ_Blitzer  I am so sorry.  We always wish they could have longer better lives but some it seems are born weak and don't make it, I know it's hard.

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What an awful shock, I am so sorry to hear about your kitten. I assume he was sick but apparently it was not really obvious, it can be hard to tell with cats a lot of the time. Hoping you find some peace. :( 

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Sorry for your loss.  No matter how little time we may have spent with them they are in our hearts forever. 


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